Thursday, August 28, 2008

But who do you say I am?

In his sermon this past Sunday, Reverend Johnson asked the congregation to find some quiet time in the next days or weeks to jot down their personal answer to the question Jesus posed the apostles in Mathew 16: "But who do you say I am?". Ellis shared some of his and others' responses to this question and of course Simon Peter provides his answer in this chapter of Matthew's Gospel. And while Ellis' sermon is worth reading (esp for those who missed it last Sunday!) as is Matthew 16 itself -- the reality is and the purpose of this "homework assignment" is for each of us to try to answer this question for ourself. Simply put, there are no right or wrong answers -- just human ones.

To broaden the reach of this exercise, we have decided to create a web log (aka blog) where members can share their "answers" with the whole congregation.

Answers can be posted under your name or anonymously as you see fit. We hope this "electronic registry" can help stimulate a dialogue on this most important and frankly challenging question.

Please join in...